Poker Books by Matthew Janda

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    Applications of No-Limit Hold ’em

    By: Matthew Janda
    Subtitle: A Guide to Understanding Theoretically Sound Poker

    A poker player’s career is marked by the challenging realization that mastering a specific hand is insufficient without a comprehensive understanding of every other hand in their range. This would be an insurmountable task if a player had to contemplate every other hand, but with a grasp of theoretically sound poker, they can swiftly construct balanced ranges using appropriate bet-sizing. The book, Applications of No-Limit Hold ’em, imparts this theoretical knowledge, enabling the creation of bet-sizings and ranges to outplay superior opponents. The theory is not meant to be intricate or theoretical, but rather immediately applicable for improved results. Key strategic concepts like overbetting, balancing multiple bet-sizing ranges, donk betting, and check-raising as the preflop raiser are essential, even though few players discuss or use them. After reading this book, players should not only understand these concepts but also know how to integrate them into their game to effectively compete against formidable opponents.

    No-Limit Hold ’em For Advanced Players

    By: Matthew Janda
    Subtitle: Emphasis on Tough Games

    Initially, due to their unfamiliarity with the game, participants could be easily defeated by moderately knowledgeable players. However, this is no longer true today. Many mathematical concepts and ideas now significantly contribute to a successful no-limit hold ’em strategy, despite the game not being solved from a Game Theory perspective. It’s crucial for a skilled player to know when to deviate from optimal play and adopt exploitative strategies for maximum profit. Janda’s text extensively discusses these advanced strategies to be used against formidable opponents.

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