Poker Books by Michael Acevedo

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    Modern Poker Theory

    By: Michael Acevedo
    Subtitle: Building an Unbeatable Strategy Based on GTO Principles

    Michael Acevedo, a leading poker theorist and game theory expert, is recognized for his innovative content for top players worldwide. His work, Modern Poker Theory, is the result of countless hours of research using the most sophisticated poker software tools. This guide provides a comprehensive and rigorous look at the crucial elements of No-Limit Hold’em. It focuses on the concept of game theory optimal play (GTO) and its practical application at the poker table. Understanding GTO is key to making precise poker decisions and exploiting players who lack this knowledge. Modern Poker Theory employs contemporary poker tools to systematically analyze GTO, presenting ideas and concepts in an intuitive, application-focused way. At your next poker game, some players will have studied this theory, and they will undoubtedly have a superior theoretical and practical grasp of No-Limit Hold’em, making them the favorites. Ensure you’re among them.

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