Based on The Cover
“Broke” explores the high-stakes journey of three young, gifted poker players on their quest for fame and fortune in an environment riddled with addiction. Raf Verheij, a twenty-five-year-old chess prodigy, believes poker has saved him from despair rather than leading him into it. Robert Thompson possesses an almost magical skill in reading his opponents’ hands through their body language, yet struggles with a severe gambling addiction. Matt Ingram, known for his self-destructive tendencies, grinds his way through the poker world. This narrative reveals the addictive and perilous nature of poker, not just to one’s finances but also to mental health, highlighting that the greatest challenges often come from within. “Broke” provides an insight into the lives of Raf, Robert, and Matt as they navigate the treacherous path to becoming poker legends, emphasizing that the real battle is often with oneself rather than with opponents.