The Judgement Fold
Based on The Cover
In the thrilling sequel to The Picasso Flop, Jimmy Spain and his protégé, Kat Landrigan, find themselves immersed in another high-stakes adventure at a World Poker Tour event in Niagara Falls. Surrounded by a colorful cast of eccentric gamblers and poker players, including a puppet, a poetry-reciting woman, and a Marilyn Monroe impersonator, Jimmy once again becomes entangled in a sinister murder plot. As he struggles to balance his focus on the game with his determination to uncover the killer, Jimmy embarks on a wild chase across the Ontario side of the iconic Falls, facing a daunting challenge that tests his skills both on and off the poker table. With twists and turns at every corner, this gripping tale promises to keep readers on the edge of their seats as Jimmy navigates the dangerous world of high-stakes poker and murder.
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